Feeling Free Bein' Me

from CHF 250.00

Warning! See additional information below regarding owning this “Living Art” original painting.

Vibrant Colors. Mixed media including Acrylic, Pigment and Soft Pastel on Canvas. . Girl in Orange frolicking in Turquoise background with blue and red flowers.

16” x 16” / 40 cm x 30 cm

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Warning! This original is meant only for lovers of “Living Art”! The Original of this painting on canvas contains some Soft Pastel. It will be perfectly fine hung on a wall if not touched. You may laugh, but I have several pieces of art painted partly with soft pastel that hang in my home or studio and continue to remain in wonderful condition despite the delicate nature of pastel, without being framed behind glass. If pastel parts are touched they will smear or get you messy. But, if handled with care and hung on wall away from grasping hands you can enjoy the vibrant colors of this “Living Painting” even without glass. Of course, just as pastel paintings on paper are framed behind glass, framing the complete stretcher framed, canvas painting in a deeper, for example shadow box frame behind glass will protect the painting.